Mapping a direct-dial phone number to an extension

If you selected a phone number during signup or purchased a phone number after signup, you can assign that phone number to any extension.  Here's how:

1. On the main menu, choose Services and then select Manage.  You will be see a list of available phone numbers in the Extension Management section.

map External Number

2. Next, click the edit pen next to the number you wish to assign and to open the edit number options.  Select extension, then choose the extension you want the phone number to ring directly to.

map External Number2

3. Next, click Update then you will have setup a direct-dial phone number.

To add multiple extensions, or multiple direct-dial phone numbers, just repeat the steps above.

 Note: By doing a little advanced planning on the extensions in your organization you can make your users more reachable and fully exploit the functionality of the MyOffice PBX Cloud PBX. Learn more about extension management.