Creating Schedules  

In Order to create a new Auto Attendant we must first specify when this auto attendant will be available by creating a Schedule.


1: Begin by logging into the MyOffice PBX control panel and selecting Scheduling then Time Frames.    



 Enter a name for your new schedule (Example: Weekday, Weekends, Holidays, etc...)




3: Under "Time Zone Settings", specify what time zone to use for your system time.



4: Define what time frames are active for each day.




5: Save your newly created schedule by clicking Create Time Frame.

You should now see your newly created schedule under Time Frame Schedules.

If you need to make a change to your time frame, simply select the desired Time Frame, make your changes and when finished, select Save Changes.

If you choose to Delete an Time Frame, It must be inactive.  This means that it can’t be assigned to any active auto attendant. All Time Frames that are inactive will have an X beside its name.  Just click it to delete that particular time frame. 

If you do not see an X beside a schedule name, it is currently assigned to an active auto attendant.  You must remove it from the active auto attendant first, before it can be deleted.